
Friday 10th January 2025

Year 1 have made an excellent start to 2025 and are already off to a fantastic beginning! In just the first week of the new year, they’ve been busy learning and exploring across a variety of subjects.


In Maths, the children have been focusing on developing their subtraction skills. It's been a fun and engaging process as they’ve worked through different activities, building their confidence with numbers.


In English, Year 1 has been busy completing their Moon Fact Booklets. They've explored the fascinating world of space and have gathered lots of interesting facts about the Moon, all while practicing their writing and creativity.


In Science, the class has been hands-on, planting seeds and learning about how plants grow. They’re eagerly awaiting the arrival of their beanstalks and are excited to watch their plants flourish over the coming weeks!


Year 1 also wrapped up their History topic, Toys Through Time, by designing their own toys for the future. They put their creative minds to work, imagining what toys might look like in years to come and shared some truly imaginative designs.


The excitement doesn't stop there – Year 1 can’t wait for another term full of new learning experiences and adventures. They are eagerly looking forward to all the exciting activities and projects this Spring Term has in store!