A Week of Creativity and Discovery in Year 5
This week in Year 5, we dived into the world of Shakespeare by exploring some of his wonderful idioms. The class had a fantastic time matching the idioms to their meanings, discovering the richness of Shakespearean language. We also continued reading the next part of our script and investigated the rhythmic beauty of iambic pentameter—it was truly fascinating!
In RE, we began our Advent topic with great enthusiasm. The children created beautiful cartoon strips illustrating the theme of waiting in hope and reflected on the season by writing their own meaningful Advent Promises.
Over the past few weeks, some of our Year 5 students have been busy at the Christmas Craft Club during lunchtimes. This week, they completed their stunning snowflakes, which will be proudly displayed in Gosforth Shopping Centre—well done to everyone involved!
Our space-themed trip to The Great North Museum was a stellar success. The day was packed with excitement, including a hands-on workshop, an awe-inspiring planetarium show, and engaging space-themed treasure hunts. It was a fantastic opportunity to extend our learning beyond the classroom.
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!