
Friday 19th July 2024

Year 5- We have come to the end of our time together. I can not believe I have been able to spend 2 years with you- how lucky am I!
Firstly, thank you so much to the grown ups of Year 5. You have shown me continued support and love and I could not be more grateful for everything you have all done for me and your children. 
As a teacher, the greatest gift is to see your class be happy and become confident and kind young people. I have witnessed everyone of you grow in every way possible. Your humour, kindness, love, compassion and enthusiasm is something I will miss, but it has been the greatest honor to be the teacher lucky enough to be with you for so long. 
I know you will go on to be amazing amazing adults. I can't wait to hear about your Year 6 journey and the chapters of your lives after St Oswald's. I have absolutely adored being with you all. If you take anything from our time together, please remember how incredible you are. Always be yourself and never apologise for being YOU!
I love you all dearly. It is not goodbye, but see you soon!
Lots of love, 
Miss Rushton x