
Friday 18th October 2024

This week, Year 1 have been exploring maps of Newcastle. They looked at all the different features on the map and then sorted them into human and physical features.
In Maths, they enjoyed looking at number lines and solving puzzles about them.
In English they have been sequencing the story of Cave Baby and they started their first 'big' write. they are very excited to finish these next week!
We have begun to explore what belonging means and thought about where they feel they belong. They have been 'wondering' about Baptism and can't wait to find out more about it!
In Art, they have been looking at applying their knowlege of line to draw autumn items. They tried drawing without taking their pencil off the paper and then added deatils to add texture. 
Today, they have been excitedly bouncing to help raise funds for school - everyone had such a fun time!