
Friday 3rd November 2023

We have had a brilliant week in Year 5!
In Maths, we have been working on multiples and factors and ended our week with completing some tricky logic problems!
In English, we have continued to write to Kieran Trippier, all about the issue of child labour in the sport clothing industry! The children have worked incredibly hard and are really enjoying this task!
In PE, we have began our unit on dance and bat and ball skills! Two very different units, both met with enthusiasm and hard work!
We ended our week with Art, and the children began to study retrofuturism! We studied and discussed many different pieces of art work in this genre and made some brilliant observations!
We also had a wonderful visit from the North East Ambulance Service on Thursday! The children were all able to look inside the ambulance and ask the wonderful paramedics any questions they may have had about their incredibly inspiring job!
Have a great weekend and enjoy the fireworks! Be safe! 
Love, Miss Rushton x