
Friday 29th November 2024

Another busy week in Year 2!

This week, we began working on our nativity performance. Everything is going to plan and I know you are going to enjoy our performance . 

This week in science the children investigated ways of changing the shape of paper, card and wood. They tried squashing it, rolling it, folding it, stretching it and tearing it.

In DT, the children tried out different techniques when joining 2 pieces of fabric. They had to pin, staple and glue. We then evaluated the best technique.

In PE, the children continued to work on ball and target skills. We have some budding penalty takers rising through the ranks here at St Oswald’s.

In maths, children have been identifying and sorting 3d shapes.

Ahead of writing a report next week in English, the children read stories about bears to find how they are fictionalised in stories.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.