
Wednesday 28th February 2024

As part of our Design and Technology unit, the class have been learning how to make soup. We have been learning how to distinguish fruits and vegetables and also what additional ingredients we would need. Over the weeks, we have designed our own soups and strengthened our fine motor skills by using plastic knives and chopping boards to practice cutting play-doh.
Yesterday afternoon, we worked in groups to make and taste our own vegetable soup. We started by adding cooked potatoes, carrots, onions, leeks, red peppers and courgettes to a pan. We then added dried mixed herbs and some vegetable stock before using a stick blender to mix it all together.
We spoke about the way our ingredients looked and smelled. We then commented on how the texture of the soup changed as the blender began mixing it all together.
After it was all combined, we spooned some out into a cup for the children to explore, some chose to smell and taste it while others just used one sense each.

It seemed to be a hit - with a few children asking for seconds! Well done everyone for helping out and making something together.