
Thursday 19th September 2024

Year 5 have had a wonderful start to the school year and have embraced all of their new topics and challenges. 
In maths, we have been ordering and comparing numbers to 1,000,000. Everyone has enjoyed playing Yahtzee to help with place value skills. This week, we have rounded numbers up to 10,000 and there were smiles all around as we completed lots of tasks linked to this. 
As part of our geography lessons, we have been learning all about climate around the world. We linked back to our work in Year 3 all about the water cycle and how this impacts weather near the Equator. Everyone enjoyed researching all about how animals and plants have adapted to live in deserts.
Our RE topic is all about ourselves. We have looked at our qualities and talents and our uniqueness. Reading scripture has helped everyone understand how we were made in God's image and how we can use our gifts and talents to help others and to look after our world.