Year 1 have had a fantastic week, filled with creativity, learning, and teamwork!
In art, they have been working hard on their collaborative sculpture inspired by Maman by Louise Bourgeois. They have now created the body and are ready to paint—watch this space for the final masterpiece!
In maths, the children have been developing their addition skills, building confidence as they practise new strategies.
English has been just as exciting! The children wrote their own lost alien stories, using their imagination to bring their ideas to life. They then started their new English unit, focusing on The Odd Egg.
PE was a brilliant way to wrap up their team-building unit. They put their skills to the test with some balloon fun, using everything they have learned this half term to work together effectively.
In RE, the children created prayer wheels to help them say the Our Father, a meaningful way to support their daily prayers. Meanwhile, in Geography, they explored their local area, identifying different human and physical features on a class walk.
What a lovely way to end the half term! Well done, Year 1!