We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of all our children, staff and visitors, therefore all visitors must agree to the following before being allowed access to the whole School site.
Enter and exit the site from the main entrance, observe signing in and out procedures
Do not move around the school site unescorted. Please stay within areas that are necessary for your visit.
Please do not interact with children unless instructed by a member of staff to do so.
You will be issued with a ‘Visitors’ badge - this must be worn at all times so that it is visible.
Please note that inappropriate behaviour or language on site will not be tolerated, in relation to children, staff and visitors.
An accessible adult toilet is located next to Reception Office - please do not use any other toilets during your visit.
If you hear the fire alarm, please leave by the nearest exit.
Report to the fire assembly points which is either one of the Schools Yards so that you can be accounted for.
If you are working with children, lead them to safety and assemble in appropriate yard.
Whilst on site please:
Use only in connection with your business and when you are approved to do so.
Do not take/use images of students unless approved to do so.
Do not leave equipment unattended
Ensure that your mobile phone’s ‘Bluetooth’ capacity is disabled.
Where your role requires that you interact with children or if you are attending school on Local Authority/partnership working you must:
Present your photo ID and/or DBS when requested by our Reception Staff
Wear you Photo ID and Visitor’s Badge at all times when on the School site.
Interact with children as required within your professional capacity and report any instances/concerns/observations you may have immediately to a senior member of school staff.
During your time in school, if you have any concerns or issues relating to Child Protection please report to a Designated Person:
Paul Marley (HT), Sonya Mooney (KS1 lead) or Jen Gray (KS2 lead).
Anyone whose actions/behaviours etc cause concern or who do not follow the above requirements will be asked to leave the building and reported to the Local Authority for further action.