
Friday 26th January 2024

We have had a fantastic week in Year 5!
In Maths, we have begun our work on Multiplication and completed some work on 4 digit by 1 digit multiplication.
In PE, we have continued our work in Tennis and have developed our ability to perform a relay.
In DT, we worked to investigate the height of an arch and how this may affect the weight a bridge can hold.
We also began to look at the play 'Hamlet' and took part in some drama activities to explore the characters. We began by reading the character descriptions and finding their relationships and created a movie poster! We then discussed the 'Great chain of being' and used this information to place the characters on a pyramid of importance. 
Have an amazing weekend and I will see you all on Monday!
We ended our week with a visit to our special friends and we all had a fab time playing in the outdoor classroom!
Miss Rushton x