Year 1 have been working hard this week, developing their art skills through an exciting 3D paper art project! Using their knowledge of folding and shaping paper, they created some incredible designs and had so much fun in the process.
In Maths, the children explored 2D and 3D shapes, demonstrating excellent understanding as they identified shapes in the world around them and created their own shape patterns.
Our English lessons have been all about Beegu, the alien, and the children have written fantastic sentences about Beegu’s feelings. Their thoughtful ideas and creativity have really brought the story to life!
In PE, Year 1 continued their team-building unit with some exciting challenges. This week, they had to solve different problems without using their voices, such as ordering themselves alphabetically and by shoe size! They then took on the tricky task of getting a hoop around the circle without letting go of each other’s hands – a fantastic test of teamwork and cooperation!
In Geography, they have been looking at different settlement types and have ordered different sizes of settlements and thought about their definitions - this week they have also explored what features might be in those settlement types.
In RE, we continued learning about special people and focused on how the priest leads us in Mass each week. The children showed great curiosity and understanding during these discussions.
Well done, Year 1! It’s been another wonderful week of learning.