
Thursday 19th September 2024

Year 1 had made an excellent start to their school year!
All the children have adapted to their new class with ease and are enjoying developing their skills and knowledge. The Year 1 team have enjoyed seeing how quickly they have learned the new routines and picking up new concepts and applying them. 
During their first few weeks, the children have enjoy lots of different activities across the curriculum. They have been exploring place value in Maths and have taken part in lots of practical tasks to show their understandind.
In English, they have been writing sentences and following grammatical rules.
They have enjoyed their first Geography lesson, finding out what Geography is and creating posters of all the things they might learn about during their time at St Oswald's. 
In Art, they have been exploring line and looking at how artists use this to created magnificient pieces of artwork. 
Our RE topic is Families and the children have been sharing what makes a family and how we all have different families. The children have developed their understanding of being part of God's family. They have looked at scripture and discovered ways we can use this in our families. 
They have confidently applied their fundamental skills in PE and have had fun playing lots of different games to build on and develop them further. 
Mrs Summersby, Mrs Kakwani, Miss Sheperia and Mrs Valentine are excited to see the children grow and develop this year and are looking forward to all the adventures we will have together, this year!