
Friday 10th November 2023

Year 2 have had a busy start to their half term. In English they have been writing some spooky poetry. There were certainly some spooky goings on in class too!

In maths the children have been working on ordering and comparing number as well as working on their symmetry skills.

In RE the children have been learning about baptism and symbols. Some of the children brought in things to share with the rest of the class connected to their baptism.

In PE the children are working on their dance skills and are trying to put together a dance routine.

Last week the children were given the opportunity to go on board an ambulance and see what it’s like and to ask questions.

In their final geography unit on India the children compared Rajasthan to the UK finding lots of differences and being able to describe differences using geographical vocabulary.

The children started their new science unit this week and began by linking back to their learning from Year 1 by recalling the different body parts, labelling a diagram and then leaning about 2 important internal organs, the heart and brain.

Have a lovely weekend everyone, see you all on Monday.