
Religious Education

February 2025

Year 1 crafted their own prayer wheels to guide them in praying the Lord’s Prayer. They used them to pray together in class and took them home to support their daily prayers. A beautiful way to reflect and connect! 

Year 3 have been learning about the Introductory Rite. We made short films to explain what the parts of the Rite are and why we do these things.
Year 2 sequenced the parts of the Liturgy of the Word, then used a Mass sheet to locate each part. A great way to deepen their understanding!
January 2025
In their RE topic, 'Community', Year 4 have been researching our local parish and today they were visited by Jo Shepherd, who explained all about the many roles within the parish.
Year 1 had a wonderful visit from Jo from the Parish today! She shared amazing stories about the special people in the parish family and the important jobs they do. They then tried to answer the question, ‘why do people do these jobs for the parish?’
December 2024
Year 1 ended their RE unit by sharing God’s love in action! They created thoughtful Christmas cards for residents at a local care home, spreading festive cheer and wishing them a Merry Christmas!
In RE today, Year 5 looked at the wonderful painting 'Light of the World' by William Holman Hunt. They discussed the scripture that inspired this wonderful painting and the symbolism behind it.
November 2024
As part of their RE topic, Year 5 have been learning about the symbolism and meaning behind the Advent Wreath and enjoyed making their own.
Year 1 learnt about the Advent Wreath, today. They talked about the different parts and how we use it to help us countdown to Christmas. They then made their own Advent Wreath.
Year 1 started their ‘Other Faiths’ topic about Judaism, today. They learned about the story of Abraham and how important it is to the Jewish faith. They created their own starry skies to show God always keeps his promise.
Reception Class recreated the Sacrament of Baptism in class this week.
In November, we are focusing on Stewardship for our Catholic Social teaching theme.
As part of their work in RE about other faiths, Year 5 have been learning all about how The Passover is celebrated in the Jewish faith. They produced some wonderful information texts all about this important celebration.
October 2024
As part of their RE topic, Year 5 researched how people dedicate their time to volunteering at some wonderful charities. They created some wonderful posters which are brilliant and full of amazing facts.
Year 1 looked at the parable of the lost sheep as part of their book week activities! They each created a sheep and thanked God for always being there for them, just like the shepherd in the parable.
As part of Book Week, Year 5 have been learning all about parables and why Jesus used them to teach lessons. Year 5 focused on The Good Samaritan and did lots of work exploring this parable through drama, art&prayers for our neighbours. They even made friendship bracelets
Year 1 chose some key words from Psalms and then found pictures they felt represented these words.
In their sacramental preparation lesson, Year 4 discussed 'building bridges' and what a bridge needs to be successful.
September 2024
Year 5 read scripture from the prophet Hosea and the beautiful Footprints in the Sand. They then created their own prayers to thank God for being there through tough times.
Reception Class listened to the story of the Wiseman and the Foolish Builder in their Class Led Worship. They went forth by building their own homes in the outdoor classroom using different equipment that would be strong and sturdy.