
Thursday 7th November 2024

Year 5 returned to school after their break with lots of smiles. We got straight on with our new topics including work in English based on Helen Street's version of William Shakespeare's famous play 'The Tempest'. This week, the children have met the main characters, acted out the first few scenes and created some wonderful character descriptions. 
As part of our RE work on other faiths, we have been learning about how The Passover festival is celebrated in the Jewish community. After reading the account in The Book of Exodus, we have looked at accounts from children in the Jewish community detailing how they celebrate with their families. The children have created some wonderful work around this and asked some brilliant questions.
In computing this term,  we will be using Scratch to make music and everyone enjoyed coding their own music performance yesterday.
Several of the Year 5 children are proud Mini Vinnies and spent part of their lunch time on Tuesday getting ready for Children in Need. They created posters and will be presenting information to the school all about this wonderful charity during Friday's Celebration Assembly. 
Have a wonderful weekend.